Cardionics Direct Audio Input Cable (DAI) - Single 711-7123
Cardionics Direct Audio Input Cable (DAI) - Single 711-7123
The DAI and Silhouettes should be used only on the advice or order of an audiologist. The purpose of the above items is to direct the sound from the stethoscope through the hearing aid. Hearing aid speakers do not reproduce heart sounds well (see Cardionics Technical Information Bulletin – E-7700). The above products are designed to direct the sound through the hearing aid. They are not recommended by Cardionics and should be used only as a last resort and only by order from your audiologist.
Direct Audio Input. This is a cable that connects the E-Scope to an Audio Shoe. The audio shoe is a plastic fitting that snaps on to the hearing aid and is available from the hearing aid manufacturer or an audiologist.